macOS 14 RC 你们升级了吗?体验如何?
互联网资源分享 · 互联网资源分享 · 于 12-05 23:26发布 · 111 次阅读
我记得有说速度会快,但是我没有感觉到。感受最强的还是桌面小组件,非常棒 从上版 beta 开始用 sonoma 的 第一时间也更了 RC 没啥问题昨晚把 ios 也升到 rc 了 小组件用起来很舒服 @Cherchez iPad Pro2020 升级后掉帧,会卡,版本不行 @Code00911 同款升级没啥问题 为啥我升级后上不去网,重启后进去连网上一会就又不行 用 pf 的不多吧这家 vpn 会用到 pf 吗 请问下各位小组件有哪些实用的推荐吗 @slowmist 根据他们博客的描述,是会用到的。可能是分流功能需要用到? 从 13 stable 到 Beta 到 RC ,完全没感觉到性能上的减弱或者提升😳 没问题随便升,比 Ventura 的 beta 强了也就一千倍吧。 rc 是否等于正式版的固件了?准备从 public beta 升级到正式版 锁屏头像老是空白,加载慢的很 从公测版一路升过来,没感觉了,你说是正式版我也信(反正正式版也经常小 bug 不断 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )。 已经更新,屏幕组件真的是期待已久。我的 vpn 可以正常使用。几个不满意的点:1. 字体有点别扭,chrome 标题栏的字体、正文的字体、组件(大中小)的字体都不太一样,眼睛不适应。2. 一碰桌面就进入小组件的编辑模式,没找到关闭的地方,等下试一下。2. Bartender 不行,会一直显示 bartender4 正在捕捉屏幕,开发者说是因为 API 淘汰的问题,还在处理中,不过可以能正常隐藏任务栏图标。@clocean 最近几年的 RC 到正式版啥都没改。我是因为真的很期待小组件升级了,手机手表和 Pad 暂时不相碰。(去年 iPad 测试版出现了不给笔充电的问题...,也遇到过手表系统版本不匹配耗电的问题) 流畅,流畅,还是流畅;不光 Mac ,iOS 也是;然,台前调度有各种 Bug @DJCNMHG 原来 mullvad 和 tor 有合作啊第一次见用 pf 的服务商😇```cat pfdump.txt r scrub-anchor "*" all fragment reassemble r anchor "*" all r anchor "mullvad" all n nat-anchor "*" all n rdr-anchor "*" all n rdr-anchor "mullvad" all A A r anchor "200.AirDrop/*" r anchor "250.ApplicationFirewall/*" A A r pass quick on lo0 all flags any keep statemullvad r pass out quick inet proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 no statemullvad r pass in quick inet proto udp from any port = 67 to any port = 68 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 port = 546 to ff02::1:2 port = 547 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 port = 546 to ff05::1:3 port = 547 no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 proto udp from fe80::/10 port = 547 to fe80::/10 port = 546 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to ff02::2 icmp6-type routersol no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to any icmp6-type routeradv no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to any icmp6-type redir no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to ff02::1:ff00:0/104 icmp6-type neighbrsol no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to fe80::/10 icmp6-type neighbrsol no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to any icmp6-type neighbrsol no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to fe80::/10 icmp6-type neighbradv no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp all icmp6-type neighbradv no statemullvad r pass out quick on utun3 inet proto tcp from any to port = 53 flags S/SA keep statemullvad r pass out quick on utun3 inet proto udp from any to port = 53 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet proto tcp from any to port = 443 user = 0 flags S/SA keep statemullvad r block return out quick proto tcp from any to any port = 53mullvad r block return out quick proto udp from any to any port = 53mullvad r pass quick on utun3 all flags S/SA keep statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass in quick inet from to any no statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass in quick inet from to any no statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass in quick inet from to any no statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass in quick inet from to any no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to fe80::/10 no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 from fe80::/10 to any no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to fc00::/7 no statemullvad r pass in quick inet6 from fc00::/7 to any no statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass out quick inet from any to no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to ff01::/16 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to ff02::/16 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to ff03::/16 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to ff04::/16 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet6 from any to ff05::/16 no statemullvad r pass out quick inet proto udp from any port = 67 to any port = 68 no statemullvad r pass in quick inet proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 no statemullvad r block return out quick allmullvad r block drop quick all``` @zjuster 关于第二点,可以关闭,在设置里 @slowmist mullvad 和 tor 合作,出了一个不带 tor 节点的浏览器,叫 mullvad browser ,就是内置了一些隐私插件,稍微有点鸡肋。。 Sonoma RC 修了第一次开机时系统无法识别无线键鼠的问题,非常有用 升级了,感觉还可以,没觉得有明显提升,也没啥明显 BUG 好像 RC 还有点问题 RC 版的完整 pkg 文件还没有出来 而且还在看到有人说 M2 系列的电脑收不到 RC 更新? 刚升级了,感觉有点小卡,2019 年的 iMac 27 @hellojay 请教下,小组件,怎么点击啊... mini m2 升了,感觉动画变快了?小组件可以放桌面了,其它无感。 Homebrew 正常吗? 公测版本用到现在, ventura 有的毛病它也有, 动态的壁纸和桌面很酷, 其他没啥感觉windows server 似乎优化过,内存占用少很多 M2 air 升级了 RC ,除了动态壁纸没发现啥变化,因为这个壁纸我重新打开了屏保功能,小组件没尝试,平时桌面都看不到放小组件没啥用 2019 款 mbp 是否也能流畅运行,目前用的卡特琳娜 iOS 17 ,macOS 14 下周四就出正式版本了,不急现在更新。
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